Our Events and Meeting Types

  • Professional Panels

    Our Professional Panels are dynamic gatherings designed to empower and inspire those in the tech industry. Featuring esteemed professionals and tech leaders, these events offer invaluable insights, expert advice, and practical strategies for navigating the ever-evolving landscape of technology careers.

  • Women in Tech Connect

    This is an informal opportunity for local women and gender minorities working in tech to meet up and network over coffee or cocktails and discuss the most recent WIT meeting topic. These events are open to all women and gender minorities interested in connecting with others in the local tech community.

  • Career Talks

    Whether you're charting your career path, seeking guidance on overcoming challenges, or craving mentorship from industry leaders, our meetings provide a safe and supportive space to explore, learn, and grow. Connect with experienced mentors, forge meaningful connections with like-minded peers, and gain the insights you need to thrive in your tech career.

  • Workplace Survey

    Discover the most pressing challenges facing local women in technology, explore innovative solutions, and join the conversation on driving meaningful change. Gain access to exclusive data, actionable recommendations, and best practices for fostering a more inclusive and equitable tech ecosystem. Take part in our yearly survey and then attend the meeting in Q4 where Habitat presents the results.

Get Involved

Attend a meeting, volunteer to help organize meetings, or sponsor Women in Technology.