Elevating, empowering, and engaging local women in tech.

2024 Annual Workplace Survey

This survey helps us capture a snapshot of local Southwest Missouri tech workplace data. This is a valuable resource for the community and helps shape our events for next year. We welcome feedback from folks of all genders in all tech and tech-adjacent roles, so please help us out and take this survey!

Women make up only 26% of the tech workforce in Missouri

According to the CompTIA State of the Tech Workforce 2023 Report, in Missouri, women make up 49% of the total workforce but only comprise 26% of roles in the technology field. According to our own Workplace Survey Report 2023, women also leave the tech workplace at twice the rate of men. We aim to close that gap and increase retention rates of women in the local Springfield tech community.

Next Event

August 20

Closing the Gap: Pay Negotiation for Women in Tech

@ efactory

Join us on Tuesday, August 20 for an interactive meeting about pay negotiation!

Since women are statistically less likely to negotiate their salaries than men, this can result in lower salaries over time and a larger wage gap. This workshop aims to help level the playing field and ensure equal pay for equal work.

By providing a safe and supportive environment for women to practice negotiation skills, this workshop aims to address the persistent gender pay gap in the tech industry. Participants will have the opportunity to network with peers, share experiences, and foster a sense of community and empowerment.